Jam Publications, Novels and polygraph related materials

Review of The CAUL, A Trilogy.
Part III: Good vs. Evil

By Denis A. Kitchen, Esquire, Former U.S. Navy Commander, Pilot and Intelligence Officer.
June 7, 2006

Where do heroes come from? James Markham, born with a caul - the amniotic sac that surrounds an unborn baby and rarely intact at birth - he came into the world destined for distinction. Raised with the faith and moral ideals of his French-Canadian grand-mere, Markham grew up with a discerning sense of justice and the courage to face down bullies that would serve him well into adulthood. His service in the U.S. Air Force and Army brought Markham face to face with espionage and criminality in the armed forces. The conclusion of his twenty years of military service marked the beginning of an eminent career as a polygraph examiner and his indomitable quest for truth brought him to the top of his field. After the tragic loss of a wife to cancer, he retires to his sailboat, but even the seclusion of a trans-Atlantic crossing leads to his dramatic rescue of a damsel in distress, a bout with a hurricane, Mafioso, Jesuits, and a U.S. Senator, all leading to the most dramatic and crucial polygraph examination of his life.

This action-packed adventure trilogy by James Allan Matte sounds somewhat autobiographical to those who know the Brooklyn born, French-Canadian raised veteran of the U.S. Air Force and Army whose pioneering texts in polygraph examination and lie detection have become authoritative reference works. The introduction assures us this is fiction, nevertheless, although many of the intriguing episodes are drawn from Dr. Matte's own fascinating life experiences. One cannot help but be inspired by the hero of The Caul whose faith and fearlessness are unfailing throughout, and one cannot help reading it all, right to the end.