We proudly recommend the following publications. Enjoy!
Essentials of Polygraph and Polygraph Testing. (2017)
by Nathan J. Gordon
CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group
ISBN: 1498757715
Website: http://www.crcpress.com
The Last Word: A Critique of Krapohl's Closing Comments on Validated Polygraph Techniques.
October 2007. Pending Publication to be announced.
Effective Interviewing & Interrogation Techniques Fourth Edition (2019)
by Nathan J. Gordon and William L. Fleisher.
Academic Press, Burlington, MA
Website: http://www.elsevier.com
Effective Interviewing & Interrogation Techniques Third Edition (2011)
by Nathan J. Gordon and William L. Fleisher.
Academic Press, Burlington, MA
Website: http://www.elsevier.com
Effective Interviewing & Interrogation Techniques Second Edition (2006)
by Nathan J. Gordon and William L. Fleisher.
Academic Press, Burlington, MA
Website: http://www.elsevier.com
Evaluation of Polygraph Charts: Formats, Criteria and Scoring (2004) (ISBN: 965-90700-0-4)
by Tuvia Shurany and Israel Ravid
T.I. Publications
Website: http://liecatcher.com/lcbooke.htm
Email: tuvia@liecatcher.com
Interviewing & Interrogation Techniques (2002) (ISBN: 0-12-260381-8) by Nathan J. Gordon and William L. Fleisher. Academic Press, A Harcourt Science and Technology
Company 525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, California 92101-4495, USA. Website: www.polygraph-training.com
Primary Perception (2003) (ISBN: 0-966435435) by Cleve Backster. White Rose Millennium Press,
P.O. Box 390901, Anza, California 92539. Fax: (909) 763-7646
Website: www.primaryperception.com
The Art and Science of the Polygraph Technique (1980) (ISBN: 0-398-04044-3) by James Allan Matte. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, 2600 South First Street, Springfield, Illinois 62794-9265. Tel: (217) 789-8980, Fax: (217) 789-9130.
The Use of the Polygraph in Assessing, Treating and Supervising Sex Offenders: A Practitioners Guide.
ISBN: 978-0-470-74224-2 (hbk) 978-0-470-74223-5(pbk).
Edited by Daniel T. Wilcox
Wiley-Blackwell, an imprint of John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex
P019 8SQ, UK
Website: www.wiley.com/go/pcpl